VDMA – Europe's largest industrial association
Around 300 companies, of which over 100 are from the packaging machinery sector, are actively involved in the German Association of Food Processing and Packaging Machinery - VDMA for short. Since spring 2019, we have also been a member.
The VDMA is still Europe's largest industrial association and is considered a centre of competence. Here we exchange information about the latest technical approaches, discuss the digital challenges of "Industry 4.0" and find out about safety, guidelines and specifications. A membership counts internationally as a seal of quality. And quality will continue to move you, as well as us, towards the future.
More information on www.vdma.org

Packaging Valley Germany e.V.
Around 100 leading companies with more than 20,000 employees as well as some public institutions have joined this network: The members of "Packaging Valley Germany e.V." include manufacturers of packaging systems, machine components and software solutions as well as providers of services related to packaging and automation - among them numerous world market leaders.
Together we combine our strengths, act on short paths and like to be one step ahead of the future. The result is impressive: With an export share of over 80 percent, the technologies from "Packaging Valley" are in demand worldwide.
More information on www.packaging-valley.com

Family Business Foundation
The non-profit Family Business Foundation is the largest sponsor of science and research in the field of family business. Its task is to provide information about the special features of family businesses.
The "Stiftung Familienunternehmen" is the contact for media, science and politics in legal, tax and economic policy issues. It facilitates studies by renowned scientists, promotes interdisciplinary research institutions and the interest of young employees in family businesses.
Beate Beck-Deharde is a member of the foundation's board of trustees. Here, entrepreneurs and experts provide impulses for family businesses in Germany and Europe and complement the know-how from research and science with their own practical experience.
More information on www.familienunternehmen.de

Familiy companies and young entepreneurs
The family companies are the strong voice of entrepreneurship and represent the economic policy interests of 180,000 family businesses in Germany. We have been a member for a long time.
More information on www.familienunternehmer.eu and www.junge-unternehmer.eu
beck packautomaten:
The packaging manufacturer
for your success
The protective packaging of products has a decisive influence more than ever before on the company success as not only logistics and economic factors depend on it but also purchasing decisions and customer satisfaction are significantly influenced. Accordingly, not only protection plays a role for high quality packaging but also the efficient use of resources and the visual components of the packaging. The appropriate solution and thus the choice of a professional packaging manufacturer should therefore not be left to chance.
beck packautomaten provides you with not only flexible standard machines for paper, film and shrink-wrap packaging of many different products but also the development and integration of individual packaging lines for efficient processes.
Customised solutions for all industries and products
With beck packautomaten, you have found a packaging manufacturer who can provide intelligent packaging solutions across products and industries. We combine our specific technical know-how with extensive industry knowledge into an optimally matched packaging process.
We supply customised solutions completely in accordance with your needs for:
- › Print and paper products
- › Textile products
- › Shipping and return applications
- › Plastic and rubber products
- › Technical products
- › Food and beverages
- › Household and recreational products
- › Contract packaging
- › Health Care
- › Wood products
Our machine technology includes state of the art Serienpackers, form, fill and seal machines, banding machines and shrink tunnels that provide high quality packaging results thanks to outstanding functionality.
Innovative technology and first class service at beck packautomaten
As an innovative, family-managed business, our knowledge, our experience and our unique packaging machines represent the capital that makes us one of the leading packaging manufacturers. You can expect not only the best technologies and packaging results from our competent expert team but also comprehensive and personal service. Not only before the purchase but also after commissioning of the packaging systems, we are always a strong partner at your side and support you in the technical area for training, servicing and overhauls. We always guarantee you efficient and high performance packaging.
Our customers have been putting their confidence in the innovative technology and the first class service of beck packautomaten for more than fifty years. Therefore, we do our best every day to be able to offer you individual and high quality packaging solutions. Our objectives are your satisfaction and your success.